Monthly Archives: December 2013

The Wednesday Wag – Christmas Style

13 Days to Go!

Yes just 13 days left before Santa arrives with all my gifts!  I am so excited!!! Also look at what has happened

I have got rid of that dreadful hood thing!!!  Mom says I was so good and it was starting to annoy me that she took it off and I had to promise not to lick my sore patch! Now I can sleep in my basket like I normally do on my back

It is foggy here today so Mom put my flasher on my collar so she can see where I am when I am out!  Only problem is lots of other dogs have them, so it can get confusing!  

We are going for a long walk tonight round the village as we have Christmas cards to deliver, hopefully the fog won’t be too bad and we shall see where we are!!!!

Next week I am off to the groomers to have a cut and wash before Santa arrives, so I am nice and clean for him!  Mom says I have to do another Holiday Tip but there are so many.  Here it is


Have a Woofy Wednesday


Christmas is Coming!

14 Days To GO!

Yes only fourteen days left, oh my!!!  The days are flying by and I still have a million and one things to do!  Work being one of them!!! Had the annual meeting with the Bank Manager today (which I could have done without two weeks before Christmas!) and I still have a load of work to catch up on.

My list idea worked to an extent until I got sidetracked onto other things.  So my list today is :

Washing & Ironing to complete, Scouts Christmas party and Youngest is going, work to finish, last few presents to wrap, cards to deliver in the village, dinner to get, two more Christmas cakes to finish and two puddings to steam! 

Hmm don’t think it is all going to be done today!!!

Friday last I went over to Nottingham to finish the last bits of Christmas shopping and have lunch, which was a great day.  Friday evening we wrapped The Boys presents and the last few that we need to get to different parts of the country.

Here is Youngest with his cake and his three friends (all in Onesies except Youngest)

Saturday night Youngest had a sleep over with three friends from school and they watched a dvd and had pizza for dinner and then on Sunday morning they all went Paintballing with Eldest (DH went too but took the pictures!!!!)

Here they are at the centre ready for action!


They had a fantastic day, the weather was kind, and they all came back tired but happy!  I had packed them off with a picnic and I said I will make you some soup to take with you.  No, says DH its fine!  I then had a message after an hour “its really cold here”!!!!!!!!  I didn’t say I told you so  but……!

Sunday I stayed home make Christmas cakes and getting them baked but managed to only get two done because of the long cooking time! 

So my Holiday Tip for today is


Of course by this time next year I will probably have forgotten this and still be making cakes with two weeks to go!!!!!

The weekend is busy (really?!) as we are off to see Baby Evalyn (and Mom and Dad of course) on Friday evening, Saturday we are hosting, again, the Arena League swimming meet in the evening and Sunday we are visiting family and friends in Nottingham during the day and going to a wedding reception in the evening! 

The Happy Couple have family in Australia and this is what they sent them for Sunday.  Isn’t it lovely?

A lovely patchwork wreath and one I am sure they won’t mind being copied!

Anyway I must be off as I have lots to do, now where did I put my list?

Susie x

Christmas is Coming!

19 Days To Go!

Yes only 19 days left before the Festive Season and there’s beginning to be a note of panic in women’s voices!!!  November everyone knows that Christmas is next month, but its weeks away and then you get December 1st!  Getting closer but we still have weeks to sort out the presents and the food and get it all delivered and generally spread Festive Cheer.  Then December 5th!  It doesn’t still sound too bad but when you then say 19 days oh boy, the panic sets in!

The Christmas cake still needs to be made, costumes for school nativities need to be finished, Christmas cards to write and send, menus and food shopping to be done (how many are coming?).  The dog needs to go to the groomers, you need to pick up that special bath oil for your Aunt (its the only thing she likes!), you need to get to that one store that only has those particular cheese biscuits the family eat!!!!!!!  And the list goes on!!!!

I try very hard each year to not be in this position.  I plan, I organise and still it gets to December 5th and 19 days to go and I still have 101 things left to do! So far I have four cakes to marzipan and ice, two more Christmas puddings to steam, the last few presents to wrap and then get to where they need to be, cards to mail, menus to plan (how many are coming?), Treacle to the groomers (if her leg is better!!!!) and then plan all the fun things to do as well!!!!!!! 

Has anyone got a clock with twenty eight hours in the day?   Anyone?

So my Holiday Tip for today is


This is what I am going to do today!  A food list, a visiting list and a to do list today!  Well its a theory!  I will let you know how it goes tomorrow!

Here are some pictures of our Christmas decorations

Here is my desk in the den which I use for work and sewing!  You can see the Christmas cards written, just waiting to post them off.  Also the fall wall hanging which I am still trying to finish quilting!!!

This is my trio of singing snowmen in our kitchen

Santa Claus in the kitchen

The door to the garden, very cold and windy today!

Our Christmas tree in all its splendor.  There are decorations on it from when my mother was a little girl, decorations DH and I have collected since we were married and decorations The Boys have made through the years

I love lights at Christmas and these are on the stairs

DH and I bought this our first Christmas together and I know Jesus should not be put in until Christmas Day but Mary and Joseph look a little silly gazing at nothing!

These two were bought when the Boys were little!

So that’s our holiday decorating for this year.  I still have some cushions to make (time allowing) which I will hopefully be able to show you.

Must dash as I have household chores to do today as well as at least three things off my list!!!!!

Have a Thrilling Thursday

Susie x

The Wednesday Wag – Christmas Style

20 Days To Go!

Here on Wednesday Wag we are taking this coming Festive Season in our stride and one of things I have been trying to sort is my Christmas outfit!

I have narrowed it down to these two, what do you think?  

It is very busy at home at the moment with Mom rushing around from one job to the next and I keep following her every move, especially when she is in the kitchen baking!  It is amazing how many treats end up on the floor at this time of year!!!!

I am eagerly awaiting the fall of the white stuff so I can go out and have fun with The Boys, at the moment there is no sign of snow but hopefully soon.  

Mom says I have to do a Holiday Tip for the Season so here is mine


When you master your cute look you get loads more treats, hugs and kisses and are let off when you track snow onto the nice clean floors!!

Have a Woofy Wednesday


Christmas is Coming!

21 Days To Go!

21 Days to go and here is my third tip of the Holiday Season


Yep, when you were in your twenties you could party all night, work all day, do chores and run errands, party all night and get up the next morning and do it all again! 

However I am afraid that is not the case as you get older!  DH and I went to a Christmas Party on Saturday night and we left at midnight and since then I have been as tired as I don’t know what!!!!!  Yes we had had a few late nights in the run up to the party, busy with The Boys, work etc but wow one night of partying and I am done in!

So although this time of year is hectic during the day and into the evening, if you get an evening where everyone is out, just leave those few jobs and sneak off to bed early!  Even if you don’t go to sleep right away, if you are in bed you are resting!  Guess what I am going to do tonight?!!!!! 🙂

I still have lots to do, as soon as I cross one thing off my list I seem to be adding two more at the bottom!

Have a snoozy Tuesday!

Susie x

Christmas is Coming!

22 Days To Go!

22 days to go and here is my second tip for the Holiday Season


Yes DH and I spent yesterday afternoon, with The Boys, working out where all the lights go, especially as they are now all the same!!!!!  Having worked out that they are all working fine, it was remembering which length went where!!  We also had some which despite being put away perfectly wrapped, ended up like spaghetti!!!!  We got it all untangled and now all the decorations are up.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!!

Have a Merry Monday!

Susie x

Happy Birthday Youngest!

Happy Birthday Youngest, 14!

Every Mom’s response “where have 14 years gone?” The above picture was taken just after we moved into our current home, and he was two year’s old!  His favourite trick was to go into the fridge and get his Thomas The Tank Engine yogurts out and try every one of the four!!!!  He used to hide under the kitchen chairs at the breakfast bar, next to the radiator!!!!

Do I have to be a sheep in the Playschool Nativity! Age 3

Playschool Summer Party, Age 4

Mom’s reading chair is so comfy! Age 4

First Christmas at Primary School, Age 5

A Boy and his Dog, Age 11

First day of Senior School, Age 11

The Boys!  Now he is almost as tall as his Dad and Brother!!

He is now taller than me! In three years time he will be learning to drive (!) and next year he moves into Upper School!!!!!!

He will also kill me for this Post!!!!!!!!  But I don’t care his Dad, Brother and I are proud of him!!!!!

Have a lovely Birthday!

Love Mom, Dad, Eldest & Treacle!!!!!

—————  XXXX —————

Christmas is Coming!

23 Days To Go!

With just 23 days to go, here is my first tip for the Holiday Season;


I did, and the glitter is now all over the sofas, the cushions, our clothes, Treacle!  Although Treacle does sparkle very nicely in the light!!!!

Still 101 things left to do!!!!!

Have a Super Sunday

Susie x