Monthly Archives: April 2020

Tuesday Week 4 of Lockdown.

Here we are in Week 4 of Lockdown and the day after the Easter break.  This past weekend the weather here in Derbyshire was amazing and so we spent a lot of it in the garden getting those final jobs we have put off for a while done as well as more tidying and planting seeds for summer.


All the trees coming into bud.

We sorted this border at the front of the garden above and also planted some seeds.

This is the border on the other side and we have cleared  the space for some new herb plants, the old ones had not done very well over winter so I have planted some seeds and hopefully they will come up.

With the few days of warm weather everything has started to come awake and now looks very green. 

Eldest was helping and one of his favourite jobs is to pressure wash the patio stones. The above is what they look like before they are washed.

The above is what they look like when they have been done!!!!

The effect is very bright!!! 

The afternoon sun just disappearing behind the trees and the white of our Cherry Tree in full blossom.

I did still decorate for Easter, although it was only the three of us as Youngest is with Girlfriend as they are having to look after her horse, Simon, every day.

Our Easter Table.

This is new this year, bought before the Lockdown (!), an Easter Tree with eggs on although Eldest says it is a Christmas tree!!!  I like it as it has little lights on it!!!!

Some Happy Daffodils for Easter.

Yesterday was a Bank Holiday here in the UK although that does not mean much at the moment as we are all in Lockdown anyway.  The weather dropped 10°c from 20°c on Sunday to 10°c yesterday which was a bit of a shock to the system!!!  However I did get the Boys’ rooms and the main bathroom Spring Cleaned yesterday!  Four down, six to go!!!  I am hoping to get the rest done this week and next weekend and then I have a few more little jobs to get done.

I am also going to get my quilting sorted and have a go at sewing at my desk as before, I will take pictures and let you know how it goes!!! 

They say they are going to review the Lockdown at the end of this week depending upon how the figures are from the hospitals etc so we shall see, although there is some worry now that the general public will be worried about going out, not to work of course, but social things and shopping and I must say I would be a little wary until we definitely know how things are going!!!!  We shall see.

Stay Safe.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

Happy Easter.

Happy Easter Everyone

Stay Safe

Thank You especially today to all those in the medical profession, grocery workers, delivery drivers, teachers, firemen, police, the army, air force, navy and all who are working hard to beat the virus and keep our Country ticking over.

To all who are on their own today who cannot be with their families because of the virus, we are all with you here.  Have a lovely day.


Easter Hugs & Love

Susie, DH, Eldest, Youngest, Treacle, Fiancé & Girlfriend.


Susie’s Friday Monthly Book Club.

Yes it is Book Club Day and I am reading a lot, as well as other jobs and work, during Lockdown.  Here is April’s Book:

This is actually Book 3 of the Blake & Avery series by M.J. Carter but the first one I have read.  I will go back and read books 1 and 2. 

Set in Victorian London, Blake is in debtors prison as he won’t  do any more investigation work for his patron, Avery is in London to try and persuade him to do so and whilst here gets himself invited to the most popular Club in town, The Reform Club.  The Chef is the famous Frenchman Alexis Soyer, and he is about to cook a large and important political dinner with foreign heads of state attending, however one of the Members who eats regularly there dies in his rooms at The Club after one of Soyer’s dinners.  Is it coincidence or deliberate? 

Avery is asked to stay at The Reform Club and investigate and he only has a few days in which to find the answers before the major dinner.  Blake refuses to help so he is left to try and find the answers.  Can he do so in time?

If you like Sherlock Holmes then you will like this book.  It is not as convoluted as Holmes but still very good following the clues.  It is available from Amazon in all forms.


We are having another lovely Spring day here in Derbyshire with the temperature reaching 21°C and tomorrow is supposed to be the same.  Sunday is due to be a little cooler but still nice so it will be garden jobs for us to do!!!!  Make the most of the sun whilst it is out.

This was our sunrise this morning at 6.15am.

Your Daily Treacle.  As she is unable to go for a Spa Day, I have modified her beard and eyebrows as they were getting very long!!! I have also given her a very good brush (she was not pleased!).  If the Lockdown goes on for much longer I will be having to get some clippers!!!!!!  Watch out Treacle!!!

I hope everyone has a lovely Easter despite the Lockdown, stay safe everyone.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

My Netflix Watching.

As promised I thought I would let you know what I have been watching recently and during Lockdown.   I tend to like mysteries and science fiction but also some whodunits as well.  Here we go:


No introduction for this show.  The Crown has been really good and the latest series was out last year.

This is like a Stephen King novel.  An Island which is cut off from the rest of the World being overrun by vengeful Ghosts.

A group of nerds come together to solve problems no one else can, overseen by a Homeland Security Agent and an ex waitress who can understand the real world and interpret it for the nerds, whilst they help her with her genius son.

Getting into the right college is hard enough, getting into the right fraternity even harder but so much more when it is a secret magical society and you want to get revenge on them.

No need probably to introduce this, it is my favourite version of Pride & Prejudice, I have it on DVD as well!!!  Colin Firth as Mr Darcy!!!!

Always been a fan of the Star Trek shows, since I watched the original with my Dad!!!  So this version Discovery goes off in a different direction but still as good.

Whilst on Science Fiction, Altered Carbon is definitely up there!  New series just out and following on from the first series.  In this world no one dies, they have created a computer component called a Stack where your memories and mind is stored and if your body “Sleeve” dies you just get another. 


This is the series based upon the film “Mindhunter” about how the Behavioural Analysis Unit was first established in the FBI.  It is not for the faint hearted and some of it can be hard to watch.  They do use actual information from serial killers but it is very interesting. 


A normal family except the parents are monster hunters which the rest of the world don’t realise exist!  The children don’t know what their parents do until the two worlds collide.

Three misfits two in the local Whitechapel police force and one expert on the Ripper chasing cases in modern London but still attached to the Ripper cases!


Haven’t watched this yet but it is on my list to do so.  Hoping it will live up to all the hype around it!!!

The Expanse is on Amazon and Season 4 has just dropped.  Again Science Fiction but I like the way it plays out.  There is now a colony on the Moon and another on Mars and then there is The Belt and all of them are at war with each other.  Then an alien presence is felt and turns them all upside down, only the crew of the Rocinante can help.

No need to really introduce this either!  The series has now ended but the film came out last year.  The intrigue of a Country house above and below stairs, the modern version of “Upstairs, Downstairs” a TV show from the 1970’s! 

Game of Thrones ish with Geralt of Riva being the last of his kind hunting monsters although the villagers seem to want to hunt him more!!! 

Mom and children move back to the family home her husband left many years before after he is killed.  The Youngest finds a key, a very special key which doesn’t just open doors, if opens doors to other places.  Then more keys start to appear which do all sorts of different things. However someone else wants the keys.  Series 1 completed and Series 2 has just been ordered.

Science Fiction again.  I liked the original series so many years ago and the film but this new version is very good.  It is the same story but diverges about the lost bit.  Well worth a watch.

Those have been my favourites so far!!!  I hope you have found something you might like in them but as I say my taste is leaning slighting to the weird!!!!!

Another sunny day here so having worked this morning I will be doing jobs again this afternoon.  DH and Eldest went out early this morning to deliver some parts which are urgently needed and will be back later. 

Your Daily Treacle!!!! 

Happy Thursday everyone, stay safe.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

What Will You Do?

Ignoring the fact that when Lockdown is lifted I think we will all be rushed off our feet with work/swimming etc, my question is

What Will You Do First?

Obviously I think the first thing will be a family get together and hopefully the weather will be good and we can be outside.

Then a friends get together.

A non-food shopping trip, even if I don’t buy anything it will be nice to be out and about.

Go for a drive in the countryside and perhaps walk just because we can.

Trip to the cinema if there any films we want to watch.

I am sure life will very quickly establish its normal patterns once the Lockdown is lifted, as we have seemed to get used to this not doing what we normally do!!! Perhaps it will also teach us not to rush around so much and take things a little slower and also appreciate our families and what we do have.

It is Easter this weekend and for a lot of people it is going to be very different to normal with no Church visits and seeing family.  At least with modern technology you can take part in Church services on the TV or via your internet and the radio and calls to family can actually be made and you can see them which will bring some comfort.  I am really hoping that the sun is going to shine as that always makes things seem a little better.

We have a lovely sunny warm day here again in Derbyshire and I am very thankful for that.

Treacle is making the most of the sunshine!

I have been working all morning and this afternoon I am doing home jobs, a huge basket of ironing to be precise!!!!  However I get to watch something on Netflix and that usually keeps me entertained whilst ironing.  I have to watch TV when I am ironing!!  I will do a post about what I have been watching.

Happy Wednesday (yes it is Wednesday in case you were wondering!!!) and Stay Safe.

Hugs & Love Susie xxx

A Warm Spring Day!

We are doing some business work and then I am getting some jobs done at home as well.  Today has been a really warm Spring day so I had a walk around our Estate (garden to everyone else!!!!).  Here are some pictures, the garden is beginning to really wake up now.

A few of my pots which need filling in a few weeks time. 

My little Herb Garden stone which also needs a few plants replacing.

You can see the green coming out in the sunshine.

Shoots coming through.

Treacle taking advantage of the sunshine.

The Buddleia starting to sprout!

The afternoon progressing.

The Perriwinkle coming more into flower.

Primroses and Forget-me-Nots

The Conifers we have trimmed and still need to do a bit more to the Mahonia on the right by the deck.

Pink Primroses

Your Daily Treacle!

Our Home from the garden.

The Peonies coming into bud.

I even managed to sit outside with a cup of tea earlier as it was lovely and warm.  Of course at this time of year it is very changeable and it does drop very cold at night.  At the moment we have not had too many April showers!!!!  Although we had enough rain over the Winter to make up for it!!!!!

Happy Tuesday everyone and stay safe.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

Week 3 of Lockdown!

How is everyone doing?  Life seems to be settling into a pattern and the thing I have noticed most is how much slower everything is.  As we cannot rush about here, there and everywhere and really are living each moment it is, in some ways, quite refreshing.  The Boys are finding it quite hard, however, as they are not at work which they hate and can’t wait to get back!  DH and I are keeping our business ticking over and hopefully we will be okay. 

I think my only concern is when, eventually, the restrictions are lifted it will be immediately manic mode and we will be then running around like headless chickens!!!!  I think I am going to try and make the most of this time whatever!!!!

Over the weekend the weather was very nice and Spring like so I started the Spring Cleaning and got our Den completely cleaned from top to bottom.  This is where I work each and every day and DH when he is in, which is of course more at the moment!!!  One room down, eleven to go!!!

DH and Eldest continued with the front of our home project extending the drive.

This is how it looked with the plants removed but the garden and wall still there.

This is how it looks now!  We will eventually get some plants to put in at the top and down the side to make it look a little better and we will need some more stone to bring the level up before we get it filled in with tarmac. 

As you can now see we can get three cars side by side and when it is finished we will be able to get Youngest & Girlfriend’s cars on the drive and DH at the front so we will not be creating a problem for our neighbours!!!!

Youngest and Girlfriend were busy, he was building small jumps for Simon, the horse (!), for when Girlfriend is training him.

To also give Simon something different to look at when practicing they also built this, with the tops of the pillar conifers we took down.

How about that for re-cycling!!!!

It is great what our Boys are finding to do whilst they are off!!! 

I got some seeds planted and generally tidied up and have started to wash various items in our home that get done during Spring Cleaning, throws, cushions, curtains etc!!!  My only thought is I must get the Spring Cleaning finished before Lockdown ends because as I said earlier I think it will be manic when we are back!!!!!

Our Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has now been admitted to hospital for checks as he has been self isolating for two weeks but still has a high temperature.  We wish him a speedy recovery. 

The Queen addressed the Nation last night from Windsor Castle, only the fifth time in her 68 year reign to have done that.  In those 68 years and during WWII she has seen the best and worst of humanity and had to navigate many turbulant times.  My personal view is that she is the Mother of our Country and we all know how much better we feel when our mothers are around.  We always listen to her Christmas address, but I think it was a great benefit to hear her speak last night. 

The four other times she has addressed the Nation, outside of Christmas, was during the First Gulf War in 1991, after Diana, Princess of Wales, died in 1997, when her own Mother, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, passed away at the great age of 102 in 2002 and on her Diamond Jubilee in 2012.

Have a great week, whatever you are up to self isolating.  Stay Safe.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

Sneezing Oh No!!!!

No don’t worry I don’t have it!!!!  But what I do get at this time of year is a little bit of hayfever.  I have narrowed it down to a tree which is coming into bud at this time of year, I don’t know which tree it is but it always happens when the garden starts to wake up!!!! 

However in the current situation every little sneeze sends you running for the thermometer and I find I am checking the glands in my neck more often!!!  In fact you start to become a little bit paranoid!!!

This is not a new phenomenon for me ever since I was diagnosed with breast cancer when our Boys were six and two!!!  I was very lucky in that it had not got going as I was being screened at the Hospital ten years prior to my Mother’s first instance of breast cancer having had her first breast removed at 45.  Five years after this she had her second breast removed.  I was screened for the various genes involved and yes I had a faulty gene so it was, as they say, inevitable.  I had to have a mastectomy but again I was very lucky in that I did not have to have any further treatment and went straight into re-construction.

However after that I did find that every time I had something wrong my mind immediately jumped to the worst conclusion. 

Of course it was nothing and so in this current climate, when paranoia can take over quite easily, my advice is to:

Firstly: Stop the negative thoughts immediately and go and do something to distract your brain.

Secondly: When you have had time to calm down, write down what is worrying you.  Seeing it on paper and actually writing it down helps alot as it gets it out of your thoughts. 

Thirdly: Objectively look at what you have written and see if there is anything you can do about it?  If you can’t then stop worrying, if you can, do it.  At least then you will know what you have resolved the issue as far as you can.

I do this alot with issues I have (anyone who reads my Blog knows I love lists) because I find writing things down really helps me.  You have to find what helps you the best and practice it for anything you are worried about, little things and big things and once you get into a habit of doing it then it does make things easier.  Our brains like order. 


Of course it’s Friday today and we are almost at the end of our second week of Lockdown.  The Queen is due to speak to the Nation on Sunday evening which I am sure we will all be watching as we start Week 3 of Lockdown.  Sunday day is supposed to be lovely and sunny and very warm so the officials are worried that people will be out and about when they really souldn’t be.  We won’t be, in fact it will be a great opportunity to be in the garden again getting jobs done (I am a fair weather gardener after all!!!!).

I hope your week has gone okay and you, your families and friends are coping with this new reality. 

Have a good weekend and stay safe.

Hugs & Love Susie xx

Treacle for the Day!  Her new favourite place now we have cut down the conifers!!!!

What Day Is It?

With this new reality it is like being on holiday where you lose track of what day it is!!!  Our week is normally so structured with certain days are for certain tasks but at the moment they are all mixed around!!!

Not only are we having to cope with the restrictions of the current situation the news is not good for favourite events.  It is understandable that things this month and next have been cancelled but big events later in the year are now also being cancelled.

One of my favourite events has fallen to the current situation, Wimbledon is not to go ahead for the first time since WWII! They also feel that they would not be able to hold the tournament later in the year.

DH and I were due to go and see Queen + Adam Lambert in June in Birmingham for my Birthday present.  They have cancelled the whole tour but fortunately have re-arranged it for the same dates next year!

The Edinburgh International Book Festival which takes place in August has been cancelled along with the Edinburgh Fringe.  They will be back next year as there is no suggestion of holding the event later this year.

The Festival of Quilts has still not decided whether the event will go ahead, again in August.

I really do appreciate why these events have to make decisions now because of payments which are incurred like the hire of the venues, payment of staff etc but it is such a shame and obviously it does seem that people think that there will still be restrictions right up to August!

DH and I were due to head to The Highlands this Saturday but obviously have cancelled and have transferred the booking to Easter next year.  We are also due to go in August but am wondering now whether that is going to happen!!! 

However, despite what some in our media are saying, I do believe that the restrictions we are living in now are needed and are not over zealous!  One of Eldest’s friends Mom who is a nurse is now very ill and in hospital herself (she has been working all the while since the crisis started) so as far as I am concerned it is serious and we must ALL do what we can to keep ourselves, our families and everyone as safe and healthy as possible and to ease the pressure on our hospitals and their staff!

I think our Government, whoever is in power, has an unenviable task of trying to contain this horrible thing and protect us all, whilst trying to not completely cripple the country financially.  It is a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situation!  I also think that when it is all lifted and we start to get back to normal, we will all be rushed off our feet!!!!


As it is Thursday, I think (!), here are some #TBT pictures of previous visits to our Highland Hideaway!!!!  Enjoy and stay safe.

The view from our cottage!

2006 – Eldest was 10 and Youngest was 6.  They are standing on one of the Locks of the Caledonian Canal.

A hidden Loch away from the World!

2007 – Glen Urquhart Castle!

Foulis Castle where we stayed in 2011.

Depending upon when Easter is as you can see you can get quite a bit of snow in the Highlands in March!

Snow covered mountains.

The view from the cottage out of the back.

Have a great Thursday.

Hugs & Love Susie xx