Monthly Archives: October 2016

It’s Monday Again!

Image result for monday again

How does Monday come round so fast?  Yes it was a busy weekend again filled mainly with swimming

Here is a picture of Goose Fair but as you can see from the colour of the sky the weather was not kind.  We drove over and the rain got heavier by each mile until it was pouring and none of us wanted to walk around in that!  So we drove round the site and saw the lights and heard all the sounds and saw lots and lots of wet people and then drove home to our fish and chip supper!

Saturday was the first Club Championships and Youngest did well with two firsts, one second and a third place so he was happy.  We had a few technical issues with the timing equipment (I swear electronic things are stalking me at the moment!) but we eventually got it sorted although I almost had an argument with one of the other helpers but the less said about that the better!!!! 

This morning Youngest was up again early to do a 1500m swim and he did okay although he is now very tired.  DH this afternoon, in his capacity as President of DASA, was at a Civic Reception where Adam Peaty was given the Freedom of the City for his gold medal winning performance in Rio at the Olympics.  Here is DH ready to go with his Chain of office.

This week is busy with work as well as trying to get house jobs done and I am still trying to get quilts finished, so I am going to try and plan to sit down for an hour a day and do something so I am able to get them done.  Well that’s the plan, I will let you know how I get on!!!!!!

I hope you had a lovely weekend.  It’s been cold here again so I think now the boiler is fixed the heating will be going on!

Hugs, Susie x


Now What!

So you know how I said the Universe has it in for me?  Well it does Big Time!  This morning DH got up early and as he does every morning went for a shower first.  He set it going and there was a clunk which sounded like one of my sewing boxes had fallen over.  He pokes his head out of the bathroom “what was that?”  I was dozing and sort of heard something.  He went to investigate and there were no lights on, on the boiler which meant no hot water!  How much more is going to go wrong?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We have a service contract so they are coming tomorrow to hopefully fix it!

I have broken a pencil now and hopefully that will be the third thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The service engineer was also coming today to service the alarm (they come twice a year) and I had a letter to say he would be with me between 12.00noon and 4.00pm.  DH went off to work, Youngest went off to college and Treacle and I were just having a quiet five minutes with a mug of tea when the doorbell went (it was 8.15am) – the service engineer was outside!  I was not dressed!  I told him (!) that he was not supposed to be there until 12.00noon and he started to argue with me!  I sent him down to his van whilst I got dressed and phoned the head office.  I was not happy!  I did let him in eventually but I WAS NOT HAPPY!!!!!!!!

I hope everyone on the east coast of America stays safe with the approach of Hurricane Matthew and your Thursday is going better than mine!

Hugs, Susie x


Bogged Down!

Do you ever feel that no matter how many jobs you get finished there are still loads more to do?  Well that is how I have been feeling over the last few weeks!  In fact I feel like the hamster on the wheel going round and round and I cannot get off!

We were supposed to get some jobs done last weekend and it all went out the window when plans changed and extra things had to get done, so I moved everything to this weekend and although we are still busy I might have just managed to get them done but now DH has another event which he has to go to as President of Swimming!  So I am going to try and pull them all in this week!  I just might meet myself coming backwards!

I also need to get the food for the freezer and yesterday was so cold that I succumbed and put our heating on!  I really think the Universe has got it in for me at the moment!!!!!


This week is Goose Fair in Nottingham and DH, Youngest and I are going on Friday evening and hopefully the weather is going to be dry this year.  Last year was awful so we drove round but did not go in.  Followed by a fish and chip supper!!!  I love Goose Fair and it really, to me, heralds the start of Autumn.  I always used to go with my Mom and Dad on Friday evening and have fish and chips for supper.  We don’t go on many of the rides but it is great to just walk round and see all the sites, although Youngest and DH usually go on the dodgem cars!

A painting of Goose Fair when is was in the centre of the Town.

Saturday evening we have our first session of the swimming club championships and Youngest is swimming and then Sunday morning at 8.00am he is doing a 1500m swim as well (!) and Sunday afternoon DH has been invited as President to the Freedom of the City to be given to Adam Peaty who won Gold at the Olympics.  Next week is going to be about the same as well.  In fact when I looked at the calendar we don’t have a free weekend until the beginning of December, which the way the weeks are going will be here in no time!!!!

I hope your Tuesday is going well!

Hugs, Susie x


Monday Musings!

I honestly don’t know where the weeks are going, I mean it is the beginning of October!

I started Eldest’s memory boxes and of course got sidetracked looking at everything(!) and decided the easiest way was to put it into piles.  Well I did, but you should have seen the state of our bedroom when I finished!!!!  I didn’t get the job finished either!  Eldest came yesterday and we made a decision to keep a few of his school books from each year, rather than all of them, as we have now and then shred the others.  You wouldn’t believe how much space and boxes are needed to store everything.  Youngest said we could do the same with his books as well.

Yesterday for Sunday Lunch we had some friends round who we have known for twenty four years.  We haven’t seen them for ages as they have been away on holiday and busy visiting relatives, now they are retired.  It was great to catch up on all their news.  However I didn’t get any of my extra jobs done which I am going to have to try and get done next weekend now.  The week is going to be busy as well and I have a basket of ironing I need to get done.


On Saturday Actor Robert Lindsay was given the Freedom of the Borough of Erewash.  He is locally born and has been in several TV programs and many stage plays.  DH was MC for the event, which was to be held outside until the heavens opened when they all had to go into the Town Hall.

Needless to say DH and Youngest who also went were soaked to the skin!!!  So I had two extra full sets of clothes to wash and get dry cleaned!!!!  It never rains but it pours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Youngest managed to get a selfie with Mr Lindsay

Treacle is having a sleepy day today and is tucked up in her basket by my desk!  It is a lot cooler again today and I think that although tomorrow is supposed to be a little warmer, we are in the downward spiral to Autumn and Winter!!!!

I hope you are having a Good Monday

Hugs Susie x

October 1st!

Yes, October 1st and the weather has taken it literally and it is cold today!  It is also now raining!  So the only thing to do when the weather is like this

Hot chocolate, marsh mellows and yes it’s in a Christmas mug!

Decorated for Autumn and Halloween (I’m ahead of the game this year!)

Treacle had her weekly brush, after a bit of complaining!!! It will take oh all of five minutes to look scruffy again!!!!

I am now off to go through Eldest’s keepsake boxes (there are lots and lots of them!) and sort them out and get them put into albums!! I also need to get this job done as they are in Eldest’s room and I cannot move in there and as I am using it as my sewing room and I have several jobs to get done!!!!

Have a wonderful Autumn Weekend.

Hugs, Susie x