Monthly Archives: July 2021

The Wednesday Wag & #TBT.

Goodness me it is July 1st, now where did the first six months of this year just go?  I know, I know; lockdowns, work, home and family.  It has been a busy six months!!!

Oh dear I am a day behind again!  Yesterday turned into a mega day after Treacle’s Spa day and I didn’t get home until 7.00pm!!!  Never mind here she is with her summer Airecut!  Picture Heavy Post!

The Wednesday Wag!

This pose is “It is time for a Biscuit – NOW”  Treacle was barking at this point!

“Oh never mind a biscuit there is something outside”!

“No nothing outside – Biscuit NOW”!

“Did you hear me NOW”!!!!!!!!!

“Well if I must sit down and have my blooming photograph taken to get my Biscuit”!

“Okay come on I have sat down for all of oh two seconds, Biscuit NOW”!!!!

“Did I actually have my Biscuit?” YES YOU DID!!!!!


Always an event I looked forward to in July each year was the Boys’ Sports Day when they were at Primary School.  So here are two pictures from 2005, oh my sixteen years ago, now where has that gone? 

Youngest in his first Sports day aged five and he won his first race, as you can see although it is upside down!!!!!

Eldest in the baseball cap not paying attention as usual!!!!  Aged 9

Amazingly the sun was shining as well.  Good old British weather.  We must be the only country that has the school year set out with outdoor events put in and then three other days set aside as alternates in case it rains!!!!

The Garden

Thought you would like to see how the garden is coming along after the nice weather and all the rain we have had!!!!  It is starting to feel like summer now and we do have some sunshine today. 

Tomorrow is home jobs day and grocery shopping, getting ready for the weekend and hopefully, fingers and toes crossed, I am going to get some quilting done on Saturday.  I know don’t be shocked a quilting blog with actually some quilting happening!!!!!  🙂 

To All My Canadian Followers & Readers

Happy Canada Day.

I hope you are all having a good week and it’s Friday tomorrow!!!! 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Treacle xx