Monthly Archives: September 2020


“Don’t you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address.” 

Nora Ephron –  “You’ve Got Mail” 

I think the above quote from my most favourite film “You’ve Got Mail”, sums up Autumn to me, especially the children going back to school which they did today in our village and at the Senior School.   Obviously our two are all grown up now and quite relieved not to be going to school (!) but it still reminds me of them going to school.  

As it is #TBT I thought I would show you pictures of the boys when they were at school!!!  You may have seen them before, if you read my Blog regularly, but I like the walk down memory lane!!!!

Eldest above, 2005 aged 10 and just starting his last year at the Village Primary school.

Youngest above in 2005, aged 6 just starting Year 1 at the village Primary School.

Here is Eldest at the start of his last year of main part of Senior School in 2010 aged 15.

Here is Youngest at the start of his last year of main part of Senior School in 2015 aged 15.

I love this time of year, although it won’t be the same this year because all the fun things we do in the Autumn have been cancelled because of Covid!!!  Things are also starting to get cancelled now towards Christmas including all the festive lights switch ons!!!!  I think this year is going to be a Scrooge Christmas!!!!  I am sure families will have a lovely Christmas at home and we will certainly be making it a lovely time, it’s all the Carol Concerts which won’t be happening and the Nativities, parties and get togethers!  I can’t see much changing between now and Christmas and the same goes for the swimming club!  Hey ho!

I found that whilst we were on holiday obviously everywhere we went we wore face masks and I don’t mind because it is keeping us and everyone else safe, but I did find that it did take some of the enjoyment out of trips.  Usually my good friend Jayne and I go Christmas shopping together in Nottingham.  We have a lovely day seeing all the Christmas displays in the shops, getting those extra few gifts and have a lovely lunch.  I have not spoken to her yet about it, we usually go in November, but I am not sure whether she will want to go!!  I don’t know if it will be the same having to wear face masks.

Just to depress you even more there is only three months to go to Christmas!!!!!

I have already been thinking about presents for those we buy for and have come up with a plan!  It is slightly cheating but also will help out after the year we have had! For the adults we buy for I am going to get Gift Vouchers at their favourite restaurants and a bottle of wine!  That way if it is still such a pain going shopping I can organise things from home.  I think I will also be ordering quite a bit on line!!! 

Anyway I hope you have enjoyed my start of Autumn here on the Blog, I have to get dinner ready now as we are at swimming tonight and tomorrow night and Saturday morning too!!!!!!!!!!!

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

The Wednesday Wag.

 Everyone is back home but I loved having Eldest all to myself during the Vacation and Fiancé also came to see me during the day whilst Eldest was out at work, it was great fun.  Dad was busy last weekend tidying the garden and caught me in my hiding spot, above!!!!

Dad, Eldest and Youngest were busy with the cars last weekend which was a long weekend and I was outside helping with them. 

This is Penny, Girlfriend’s new horse, at the new stables.  She loves being able to see all the other horses and what is going off.

Mom was making sure I am Covid safe!!  I did get a biscuit for being a good girl on the photo shoot!!!!!

It is raining today so I have been in doors with Mom whilst she is working.  We are hoping that the weekend will be nice and warm as Mom and Dad have a few jobs to get done and I can be out helping!!!!!

I hope everyone had a lovely summer.

Woof, Treacle xx

Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn.

We are back. Well we have been back actually a week (it seems like months already!) but it has taken me that week to get up to date with business work, home jobs and all the laundry!!!

To add insult to injury WordPress, in their infinte wisdom, have changed how we write our posts AGAIN!  And I really don’t have the time or energy to sort it out at the moment.  I really do wish they would leave things alone.  When I complained they came up with “well we can’t run all the browsers everyone wants, and we have to do it blah blah blah”!!!!  Hmm just an excuse as far as I am concerned!!!

We had a lovely time on our vacation although it flew by.  Youngest and Girlfriend came up for a few days and we did some of the tourist bits with them but it was so not the same as we were all social distancing and wearing face masks everywhere, which I know is for our and everyone else’s safety but oh I am so over it!!!!!

Anyway here are some pictures of our trip:

Our view from the cottage and the cows came to visit us, with the babies of this year who were extremely nosy!!!!

The deer also came for a visit one day.

We took Girlfriend on the Loch Ness Cruise although the weather was not as good that day.

It was quite a mild day but the mist was down. Glen Urquhart Castle The Boys always loved to visit the Moray Motor Museum which is run by some fantastic volunteers and all the cars are actually brought out and used in events, unfortunately of course not this year.  Anyway we went to visit.

Old delivery bicycles.  DH’s family had one very similar for delivering meat! DH, Youngest and Girlfriend taking pictures. An old garage set up, although not much different to today really. A Jaguar which Youngest was very interested in as he works for Jaguar Land Rover.  When the gentelman on duty found out where he worked, he said he had a few jobs for him to do!

We also had lots of days in at the cottage as it is out of the way of everywhere and everyone so it was great.  The silence there is actually defeaning and I sat outside quite a few days reading my book.

The sunset the night before we left.

I know I missed our monthly Book Club for August, I was not organised this year, but will be back next week for our September one.

I did get a bit of quilting done whilst we were away and now need to actually do the quilting.  I made a few and got some tops completed so now need to get them quilted.  I am trying to finish one or two things at home so am trying to spread my time out.

We have just had our last long weekend until Christmas here in the UK and DH and the Boys spent the days outside playing with the cars!!!  Eldest was fitting a new system to his car so the other two were helping!!!!!  I was still getting our home sorted and all the laundry done!!!!

The second week we were away the swimmers got back into the pools.  So DH and I also spent all of last week in the evenings at swimming.  They are do really well with the social distancing, although they do forget occasionally but soon distance again and they are so pleased to be back in the water and the parents are very grateful for all the paperwork we have done to get them back in.  I just wonder how long we will have to put up with all the restrictions before we go back to normal?

Anyway I will be back to posting every day now, and I will have to try and get my head around this new post writer and try and work out how I add images to it and also get the font this colour and not be shaded!!!

I hope you lovely lot are all well and had a great summer, I cannot believe it is September already.

Hugs & Love Susie xx