Monthly Archives: July 2016

Good Fun!

Eldest and Girlfriend bought me a cinema voucher for my Birthday and we went to see this today!!!  It’s great and so funny especially the vacuum cleaner bit!!!!!!!  If you haven’t seen it already then go see it or get the DVD it really is good.

And here is a picture of the Pets in their Christmas jumpers for all those of you who are doing Christmas in July things!!!!

Youngest also had an appointment at the college in Nottingham so he has two options for when his exam results come out at the end of August.  I also found that a lot of the summer sales had already started and got a couple of tops for the price of one normally!!!!  I also got some thread which I needed.  DH came too which was great especially as he has to go to Germany on Sunday for three days with a customer for work. 

Tomorrow I have house jobs to get done and grocery shopping and a basket of ironing to do and I will be back up to date with everything.  We are hoping that the weather plays ball and we can get some gardening done too. 

It is the British Grand Prix over the weekend so we will be watching that and the Finals of the Men’s and Women’s Championships at Wimbledon so it will be a busy weekend again. 

Youngest is coaching at the swimming club on Friday night, Saturday morning, Saturday evening and Sunday morning and then he is going to a friends birthday party as well, so he will be tired by the end of it!!!!!

I love the light nights but have noticed that it is starting to get a little darker earlier in the evening as the nights start to draw in, so I am making the most of it whist I can. 

I hope you are all having a Thrilling Thursday

Hugs, Susie xx

The Wednesday Wag!

Here on my Wednesday Wag I am Winging my way back to eight years ago!

Mom loves this picture of my Big Sis, Kelly and I.  Kelly always sat on the top step looking into the garden and when I was big enough to go out on my own I sat next to her doing exactly the same.

This was when I first arrived home and Mom had bought me a puppy squeaky bone but Kelly always wanted it, although it really was too small for her.  I didn’t like to share then!!!!

The weather today is cool and overcast and so the door to the garden has been closed and I have been in trouble as I have been digging again behind the den.  Dad has to go and see what I have been doing!!!!!!!  I think I had better stay out of the way.

I hope you are having a wonderful Woofy Wednesday.


Quilt Creations Summer Stall!

It was Carnival in the Village all last week and the weather was mixed at best!  Monday evening was the Dog Show, which I used to run but gave up this year having organised it for six years.  We all went down to support and the new organiser, Sam, did an excellent job and the weather was kind too.  Junior Football was also on Monday and they got all the matches played.

Tuesday was a walking Treasure Hunt round the village and the Senior Football but it rained heavily most of the day and into the evening so there were quite a few wet and bedraggled people around.

Wednesday should have been the Duck Race but because of all the rain and it rained heavily all day there was too much water in the Brook and so for safety reasons it has been postponed for two weeks.  Thursday was Wet Wild & Wacky on the park for the teenagers, silly games with lots of water and foam and again it rained but they don’t care!  The parents do, however, when they are standing around sorting the teenagers out!!!!!

Friday was set up day for the park, for the main day on Saturday, but there was a lot of concern over the condition of the ground as it was very wet and the decision was made that no vehicles could be driven onto the park.  They had to cancel the helter skelter from last year as that was definitely too heavy.  The forecast for Saturday was sunshine and showers so we were all keeping our fingers crossed. 

This was where I was going to have my stall for my quilted things. I had already done a mock up the week before to see how things looked.  However we had to carry everything from the car onto the field where I was going to be situated including the gazebo!!!!!  Youngest helped me and a few others which I was so thankful for.  So after three hours it looked like this :

What none of the stall holders had counted on was the high winds on Saturday, so all day the sides of the gazebo were being blown inwards and then whipping outwards again.  It was really quite stressful all day worrying that the gazebo was going to blow over, as a few of them did.  I had begged back quilts I had made for Girlfriend and her sister to display, along with my American quilt, picnic quilt and I washed and showed Treacle’s quilt.  Although it is getting a little worn now it does show how well they hold up even with constant washing!


A closer look at my stall.  I had made some tote bags and little bags and bookmarks.  I also made lavender squares and hanging lavender squares and tissue keepers.  Also Mug Rugs.

I also made some needle cases and pincushions and a mat, table runner and two small quilts.  I also put together some fat quarters which I didn’t wish to use.

I also made some doggie bandanas!  You can see Treacle in the picture modelling!

The bright squares which I stood the other things on were made up of two charm packs but I had not sandwiched or quilted it but will do that now.  I just love the colours, very summery.

Two pictures showing the quilt display and I also had a brief history of quilting for anyone interested.

Girlfriend had come round to help me price things as I am never sure how much to charge and we also looked on Etsy to see the sort of prices people were charging on there for the same sort of things and we were quite near with the prices, so I think we had got it mostly right.

Now you want to know how I did?  Well lots and lots of people came into my booth and said how lovely it looked and how pretty it was and then walked straight out again without buying anything!  Some people came and looked at the goods and then went away (I don’t think I was asking too much for any of the things!) I had quite a few people say they would like to learn to quilt and I told them about the nearest quilt shop who do classes (I hope they are happy if they get some trade) but the majority of people came in to tell me that they, too, quilt and went away again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I did sell some things but this was mainly to friends and relatives who I am very grateful to but also I hope they didn’t feel they had to buy something because it was me (I am sure you know what I mean!!!!!).  Anyway the upshot of all this is that I just covered the cost of having the stall so status quo. 

I don’t think I will be doing it next year and I did say that is is very hard to put yourself and your work out there for others to view and judge.  DH thinks I should look for a more suitable venue, ie a craft fair, but my only thought is that there could be other people there selling the same things so I don’t know.  What I do know is that I have lots and lots and lots of things which I can use as Christmas Gifts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Although you can’t see him, DH is in this room running Event Control.

Youngest was busy all day helping out where needed and Eldest and Girlfriend came down to see me later in the afternoon, as well as her Mom and Sister.  We had had sunshine and showers all day and just about 4.00pm the heavens opened again which sent everyone home which meant we could pack up an hour earlier than normal.  Eldest and Girlfriend helped me pack up and cart everything up to my car and I unloaded when I got home whilst DH and Youngest were helping clear up the sound equipment.  Having tidied up at home I sank into a hot bath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

The other thing about the day was it was very lonely.  I now have a new found respect for all those stallholders who do this every weekend.  I always like to try new things and at least I had a go!!!!!

Hope you are having a Thrilling Tuesday.

Hugs, Susie x