Monthly Archives: November 2023

Monday Again!

Bonfire night went off well and it didn’t rain until later so everyone got to let the fireworks off!

I am busy trying to fit one weeks worth of work into three days before DH and I head to London.  I have cleared all the washing and ironing, did our work today, doing Eldest’s work tomorrow and then home jobs on Wednesday!  Coco is going to love it as she is being looked after by Youngest and Girlfriend!  She will no doubt be allowed to get away with murder!

There is still a lot of water around the village on the fields and some of the roads as all the water tables are full, we are due to get some more rain at the end of this week but hopefully we won’t get the floods again.  Our garden is like a quagmire though and every time Coco comes in from the garden she has muddy paws!

The Plumbers are coming at the end of this month to do the bathroom which I will be so pleased about and whilst they are here Coco is going on her holidays and then when she is back she will be going for a spa day, all in time for Chirstmas. 

Christmas is coming up fast.  Whilst we are in London we are going to look for a few presents.  We have a dinner booked which will be great and going to the theatre too, so looking forward to it.  At the moment the forecast is fine with some sunshine which will be great.  I hate fighting around the streets with an umbrella!  Will show you the photographs when we get back.

Tonight is the Swimming Club AGM so DH and Youngest will be out late!  I can at least get some more jobs done!

Happy Monday everyone and I hope you all have a wonderful week.

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

Remember, Remember The Fifth of November!!!!!!!

Remember, remember, the 5th of November,

Gunpowder, treason and plot.

I see no reason

Why gunpowder treason

Should ever be forgot.

Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, ’twas his intent

To blow up the King and the Parliament

Three score barrels of powder below

Poor old England to overthrow

By God’s providence he was catch’d

With a dark lantern and burning match

Holler boys, holler boys, let the bells ring

Holler boys, holler boys

God save the King!

Happy Bonfire Night!

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xxxx

Goodbye October, Hello November!

Well October disappeared really quickly!  In fact my feet did not touch the month or so it seemed!  Busy as always which is why I think the months fly by,  I do sometimes think it would be nice to go back to a time where life was lived at a slower pace, you know no mobile phones, not having to do things every weekend, I am not not grateful but sometimes it does get a little wearing!

I am sure November will fly by as well.  Although I do have some nice things happening this month, not just work.  DH and I are away next week for a few days in London for our Wedding Anniversary (35 years this year!).  Can’t wait for those few days break.  We do have a few things to do when we are down there and we are also going to see the Harry Potter Play, “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” at The Palace Theatre.  It is unique in that it is split into two parts and so we are going in the afternoon to see the first part and then having dinner at a local Italian restaurant and then seeing the second part in the evening.  It has been on for a while now and I have wanted to go so we are.  We have a dinner booked in Covent Garden and then we are leaving the rest of the days to do as we want.We got an hour back on Saturday, yeah, I know it is going to be dark in the mornings and dark early in the evening too but getting an hour back is so worth it!  I quite like it being dark and the lights on, it feels really cosy.

Saturday is Bonfire Night here in the UK although we are due heavy rain all day, which is why DH’s event has been cancelled.  I was thinking about getting some small fireworks for home for the Boys etc and doing a Bonfire dinner; sausages, chips etc, but won’t bother now as it is going to be so wet.  We are fortunate that Coco is not bothered by the fireworks, she has the odd woof at them but then just goes to sleep.  

For #TBT Here are the Boys one Bonfire Night in our back garden.  Both pretending to be Harry Potter!

Tomorrow I have home jobs to do and grocery shopping and at the weekend we have a very long list of jobs to get done, DH is going to be busy!!!!!!   I hope you are having a wonderful Thursday. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx