Wednedsay Wag & Christmas!


Treacle is in today as, yet again, it is raining here!!! This morning started out cold and sunny but has now clouded over and heavy rain.  Last night was high winds and lots of rain so I think we are in for that again.

DH and I on Saturday evening went into Nottingham to visit the Nottingham Winter Wonderland in the Square after our lunch on the train.  It was lovely to walk round and see all the stalls and see people ice skating.  Picture heavy post again!!!


This is down the side of the Nottingham Council House with the helter skelter and wooden cabins with food and goods for sale.


The lights on the poles above the cabins.


The cabins look very festive even if it is fake snow!!


The Council House in the background and the very large Christmas tree at the head of the ice rink.


The Ice Bar, above.


A close up of the tree.


Around the Council House they have these very Victorian looking lamps.


The Galloping Horses.


Another street lamp.


The view of the street from the other end.


A lovely little cottage all lit up, selling food underneath.  This is my friend Jayne’s favourite stall.

We had a lovely walk round and then headed back to the car as it was getting late.

More pictures tomorrow of Christmas!!!

Hugs, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “Wednedsay Wag & Christmas!

  1. Molly the AireGirl

    Everything looks so beautiful and Christmasy! Hey, Treacle – the snow has been falling here and it’s finally stopping so hopefully, we can head out soon and play. I wish you lived closer!

  2. farmquilter

    So awesome!! Love all the Christmas decor and the Victorian touches. So, what kind of food were they serving at that “favorite” stall?? Are the cabins there all year long or are they brought in just for the season?

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