It’s A Boy!


The Duke & Duchess of Sussex have had their Baby, a little Boy.

I could have said she was having a boy as she was late.  Our two Boys were both ten days late, lazy boys!!!!!!!  We didn’t know what we were having but when I said I was late, especially ten days, everyone said I must be having a Boy and they were!

Many Congratulations to them from Our Family,

Susie, DH, Eldest, Youngest, Fiancé & Treacle

xxxxx, woof!


3 thoughts on “It’s A Boy!

  1. farmquilter

    Yay!!! Boys aren’t the only ones who are late…Daughter #1 was 18 days late, Daughters #2 & #3 were 9 days late and each was induced. Daughter #1’s daughters were both late as well. Of course, none only weighed 7 pounds either!! Mine were 8-4, 8-9 and 9-1!! Now we’ll all be waiting for pictures of the new baby!!

  2. Tom

    #response_container_BBPPID{font-family: initial; font-size:initial; color: initial;} See, right again… Xxx From: comment-reply@wordpress.comSent: 6 May 2019 14:51To: to: comment+_dk8hsxq5uaujm6reaekd-_4@comment.wordpress.comSubject: [New post] It’s A Boy! #ssc10703 a:hover{color: red;}#ssc10703 a{text-decoration: none;color: rgb(0, 136, 204);}#ssc10703 a.primaryactionlink:link,#ssc10703 a.primaryactionlink:visited{background-color: rgb(37, 133, 178);color: rgb(255, 255, 255);}#ssc10703 a.primaryactionlink:hover,#ssc10703 a.primaryactionlink:active{background-color: rgb(17, 114, 158) !important;color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;}

    scullybooks posted: ” The Duke & Duchess of Sussex have had their Baby, a little Boy. I could have said she was having a boy as she was late.  Our two Boys were both ten days late, lazy boys!!!!!!!  We didn’t know what we were having but when I said I was late, especially”

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