Somwhere Between Martha Stewart & Bad Moms!


Okay I bet you are wondering what I am up to now!!! As the weeks advance through March I seem to be getting an Email an hour regarding Spring Cleaning!  I mean I get over forty emails a day with work and Boys things and swimming and my Blog but it has really ramped up for Spring Cleaning over the last few days. 

I am getting emails from the department store I shop at trying to sell me new cleaning appliances, I am getting emails from my supermarket trying to get me to buy every cleaner known to man and of course an email a day from Martha Stewart telling me how I should clean everything we own!! 


Now I always, with the help of DH, do our Spring Cleaning and depending upon how strong I feel during the weeks that I do it depends upon how I go about it and this is where the “somewhere between Martha Stewart and Bad Moms” comes in!  Now if you have not seen the film “Bad Moms” I can recommend it, even DH liked it.  It is essentially a tale of three Moms who are trying their hardest to be perfect in every way and then decided that that it is too much and throttle back.  As you can imagine there is chaos but it all comes right in the end. 


(Martha Stewart from website)

Now back to Martha Stewart.  I am sure when she was young and setting out she did do all the things she tells everyone they should be doing, especially with cleaning but as we all know she has a huge staff now who actually do all this work which she directs to be done.  Now we could all get everything done if we had the same help but I bet, like me, you don’t have staff and have to do the work yourself.

So, like my Christmas Planner, I am going to show you my Spring Cleaning Planner over the next few days/weeks and hopefully this will help you to get yours done.  It will show you some of the tips and hints that I have picked up over the years from various places and from my Grandmother, who I always helped with the Spring Cleaning and hopefully by the end of it we will have a lovely clean home without too much stress and effort and somewhere between Martha Stewart and Bad Moms!!!!


It’s being doing this again all day today and really does not make me feel like Spring Cleaning!  In fact it just makes me want to hibernate even more!  I have been working all day today and have another basket of ironing to do and it is House Jobs tomorrow and grocery shopping on Saturday!  DH and Youngest are out at swimming events tomorrow and Saturday evening and during Saturday I am hoping to spend the day quilting because it’s …..


This Saturday National Quilting Day!  So I hope you are all able to get into your sewing space to do some quilting!!!  I am hoping to get quite a bit done which I will hopefully get to show you on Sunday or Monday.

I hope you are all having a Thrilling Thursday.

Hugs, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “Somwhere Between Martha Stewart & Bad Moms!

  1. farmquilter

    I wish I could have a staff to clean everything for me…except the dishes, I like washing dishes, especially by hand! Weird, I know! I’m looking forward to seeing how you eat the Spring Cleaning elephant, one bite at a time!!

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