The Wednesday Wag!

IMG_0077Mom and Youngest got back this afternoon and say that they are not going out again as Youngest has finished his course!!!!  Yeah well done Youngest.  Which means I get my playmate back for a few days before we all go off on vacation.  Mom is going to pack my suitcase tomorrow after she has done the House jobs!!!!!

Whilst Youngest was on the last day of his course, Mom went to see some friends who live not too far away from the Leisure Centre.   We have not seen them for a while as they are now retired and do a lot of travelling.  They have just come back from a vacation in Majorca and in September they are off to Switzerland for a fortnight.

It has been rainy today but still quite warm but Mom keeps having to towel me dry when I come in from the garden, but I have stopped digging for the moment!!!!

IMG_0032This is where I sit when I try and hypnotise Mom into getting the biscuit tin down!  It didn’t work!

DSC04939Well it didn’t work getting an extra biscuit so I may as well have forty winks!

I hope you are having a Waggy Wednesday and I will see you in a fortnight.  Happy Holidays.

Woof, Treacle

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