The Wednesday Wag! (with help)

DSC05280What’s that you say, its Wednesday?  I need to write my Wednesday Wag?  It can’t be Wednesday, it was only Wednesday a few days ago!!!!  Hmm  Not Happening!

DSC05281Well there you go, Treacle is too busy snoozing to write her Wednesday Wag or even wag her tail!!!!  It is coming up to that time of year where we meet ourselves coming backwards!!!  Carnival is now in full steam ahead mode with a meeting every week and all the problems and issues coming to the fore! 

Exams are still in full flow with three more left until Youngest has finished and I don’t have to run backwards and forwards to school for an hour or two hours here and there!

I am slowly but surely getting things finished for my stall at Carnival, the nearer it gets the more nervous I am.  You know how critical people can be and there are a lot of critical people who live in our village!!!!!!  Oh what I have done???????????????????

Work is busy as well, which is good, but well you know.

It is also getting busy with the swimming club Open which is the day after Carnival, when we will have to be at the swimming pool by 7.00am after a late night the day before.  The Open is full and we have over 250 swimmers with over 1000 swims!!!  That Monday will be a slow one!

Sunday is Father’s Day of course and my Birthday on Monday (not a good day to have a Birthday, I prefer Fridays and Saturdays!!!!).

Well I think that is this week so far (!).  Looking forward to Friday when I am taking Youngest out to Lunch as it is the end of his exams.

Hope your Wednesday is going well (it is pouring with rain again here 🙁  )

Wet Hugs, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “The Wednesday Wag! (with help)

  1. farmquilter

    You are crazy busy!! And you forgot to mention that the vote is next week concerning the UK staying in or leaving the EU!! That has to be an interesting one to figure out! Have a blast a carnival and just remember, if someone says something nasty, they are just jealous that they can’t make the same thing as nicely as you have!!! Treacle needs to get her rear out of bed and get to work – you need some of the load taken off!!!

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