Something Quilt Related At Last!

The picture hasn’t turned out too well but this quilt was stunning

A closer view of the applique work.
Hopefully Tuesday will prove a little easier than Monday was!
Quilt Club was last night and it was a bring and buy sale for Charity.  We all brought a lot of things, we all bought a lot of things and not much left over and we raised over £80 for the Charity this year.   I was very restrained and only bought these:
Six Quilting Magazines for 40p each!
Show and tell was very short as everyone had been too busy sorting things out to bring and sell.  The Quilt above was by one of our older ladies who decided she wanted a project to keep her busy for a few months!  She finished it in a week!!!!!  The pictures are not very good but it was stunning and I am very envious.
It was a lovely evening.  I was sitting next to one lady whose daughter has just started her second year at Uni and I was talking to her about all the form filling and nervous weeks when waiting to hear back!  I think you always feel better having talked to people who have gone through it, sometimes you feel so alone when trying to navigate through something new and unchartered!  
Tonight I am going to quilt, come hell or high water; which the high water part would be pretty funny as we live on a steep hill!!!!!!
Got to catch up on some business work and then sort out my walk in closet.  We are having a charity collection at the Swimming Club to raise funds for the kids and my closet at the moment is very messy as I am half way through swapping my summer for winter things and sorting through what I want to get rid of.   
The weather here is getting cooler by the day and I am sat at my desk now with a vest top, jumper and cardigan on, thick jeans and, as The Boys call them, my non-Uggs!  They look like Uggs but aren’t and are only meant to be worn in the house, but they keep my feet lovely and warm!!!!  I am also trying to walk in some new shoes for a party we are going to at the beginning of October, my feet also hurt!

My new shoes

My non-Uggs!!!!!!!
The leaves haven’t started to fall yet, because of all the rain we have had this year but they are starting to turn colour and I can’t wait to see the wonderful reds and oranges.
I hope you are having a Terrific Tuesday. 

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